Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Shimmer Bella, Marilyn, Stephanie, Courtney & Cristina Swatch and Review


Its been a while since I shared swatches here. So, today I have gorgeous full on bling Shimmer polishes to share with you all.
Shimmer Polish

 If you have read my previous shimmer posts than you must know that I like these polishes very much. No matter how much glitter they have, application is always smooth and formula is nice, these five polishes are no different.  

Bella is a black tinted polish with burgundy black micro glitters with few holographic micro glitters. Three coats for following photos and a coat of top coat. This is my third favourite among these five polishes.
Shimmer Bella
Shimmer polish bella
under direct light
Marilyn is dark red jelly polish with dark burgundy and crimson square micro glitters. 2 coats plus top coat for following pics. I have swatched it earlier too(check here).

Shimmer Marilyn
Shimmer polish marilyn
shimmer marilyn in direct light
Stephanie has slight a tint and I wear it on its own too but here I layered 2 coats of it over Sinful fly away. This one is my most favourite polish in this lot. It has mix of blue, royal blue and red hex and square micro glitters with some hints of holographic glitters. It can easily be carried with one layer too if you like to show the base more.
shimmer stephanie
shimmer polish stephanie
shimmer stephanie
Courtney is another lovely from the lot. This one also has slight tint and can be worn on its own but I layered two coats of it over Opi Pink Friday. Although on first look it  look like having only blue, red hex glitters along-with some micro glitters but a closer look shows green, yellow, silver  square micro glitters.
shimmer courtney
shimmer polish courtney

Last but not the list Cristina, has forest green, teal and red/fuchsia square micro glitters. I was most excited about this polish and I like it as much as Stephanie. The glitters are so dense that it can be wear on it's own.  layered it over barry m watermelon gelly.
shimmer cristina
shimmer polish cristina
shimmer cristina
Which one you like most??

You can buy these polishes from Shimmer Polish Etsy Shop. You can also follow Shimmer Polish on Facebook.
