Monday, 23 May 2016

CICI & SISI Acrylic Stamping Plate "Wedding Season" + El Corazon Magic Golden Fleece


I have been mia last week here. I did manicures but i couldn't post them. One of the reason is that i am still figuring out best time to publish the posts. Anyway, today i have a very cool stamping plate review. This is "Wedding Season" Stamping plate from CICI & SISI and this plate is cool because it is made of transparent acrylic material instead of traditional steel plates. Now on the website there are two smaller size square plates in this collection named Wedding Season 1 and Wedding Season 2. I have this one big plate because it is sample plate which is sent to bloggers/vloggers. Here's take a look:
cici & sisi wedding season acrylic stamping plate review

Saturday, 14 May 2016

NOTD- Halloween In May


Quick post today, i know this looks weird to do a Halloween nail art in May but I did it for the #clairestelle8may challenge on instagram. For the manicure, i thought not to go full on scary, but something tht reminds on halloween. So, i did  a nail art imspired from halloween candies and glittery halloween party outfits. Here's the manicure:

Tuesday, 10 May 2016 Review


Today, I have another product review from to share with you guys. I have done two reviews for them previously(you can click HERE and HERE to read those posts). This posts is about another stamping plate i got from them. Its hehe-024 stamping plate(this is not the original hehe plate). I have done a nail art with it and here it is:

Sunday, 8 May 2016

Sunset Nails


Happy Sunday everyone. I usually don't post on Sundays and this post was supposed to be up yesterday but after a long time, it was sunny saturday here so we went to visit Bruges. Its one hour train ride from Brussels and i totally totally love that town. Anyway coming to today's manicure, this is for the third prompt(second prompt i attempted) for the #clairestelle8may challenge on instagram. For the sunset theme i decided to do a romantic sunset manicure, here's take a look.
sunset nails

Wednesday, 4 May 2016



I love blogging and doing nail arts but clicking pictures and shooting videos are not that easy. I am always on a look out about how to improve photos and that is why i spent my whole day searching for new lamps, tripods and everything related to photography instead of actually writing this post. Today's manicure is showing a dotticure i did for a nail challenge at Instagram. Here's the mani:
purple dotticure

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

NCLA Holos Swatches and Review


So, my nail station is finally all set up and now it is easier to do manis because earlier all my nail art products was stuffed in a big box (except from my nail polishes because they are stored in a helmer already) and i have to fish out things whenever i do a nail art. I posted a photo of the completed nail station on my instagram

Today, I have few of NCLA holographics swatches to share here. I bought 4 NCLA holos from color4nails few months back. The polishes i bought are Lightyears Ahead, Iridescent Dreams, Out of This World and Redicalist. Please click on "read more" to see the swatches.