Friday, 27 February 2015

OPI 50 Shades of Grey Collection Swatch and Review


Opi released 50 shades of grey collection last month end. This collection is inspired fromt he movie 50 shades of grey which we all know released on 13th February. This collection has six polishes ranging from different hues of grey to glitter to a sensuous red. Today, i have four of them to share here. 

***Picture heavy***
opi 50 shades of grey collection

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

White Night Nails- I Love Nail Polish Supernova and Electric Carnival


Last Saturday Melbourne celebrated White Night. If you already dont know, white night is a cultural event which runs from 7pm to 7am(yeah that's right whole night) showing exceptional visual art, exhibitions, spectacular illuminations, music, theatre, special dining experiences, film, design and performances on display in venues and major cultural institutions right across the city centre. Living in city has its own advantages, one of them is you can be out as long as you want without worrying of traffic or crowd in public transport. We were out till 5 in the morning and only came back because i was feeling sleepy and it was still very crowded that time. 

Anyway, I did a nail art to wear for the occasion and here it is:
music accent nail art

Friday, 20 February 2015

Nail That Technique Challenge: Week 3- Sheer Base


The week is almost to end and I am little late than usual in doing this week's #nailthattechnique challenge manicure. This week's theme is "Sheer Base". I am among those who love sheer base nail arts. Previously i did black sheer base nail arts and I find them gorgeous but for challenge manicure, i decided to go with unusual colors for sheer base nail arts. Here's my manicure:
sheer base nail art

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Watermarbled Psychedelic Nails


It was my birthday yesterday, and i had a great day. I am sharing my manicure which i did for my birthday. Its not the typical birthday stuff but I did want something colorful on my nails because i love all bright shades. Here is my nail art: 
psychedelic nail art

Friday, 13 February 2015

Valentine's Day Nail Art


Valentine's Day is tomorrow and I decided to one more nail art before the day is over. This nail art featuring a pink dry brush base and stamping images are from three different makers. Lets have a look at manicure first. Continue reading for product details:
valentine's day nail art

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Nail That Technique Challenge Week 2 - Syrup Gradient: Nail Art and Tutorial


This week's challenge prompt is Syrup Gradient. Last year, I did a manicure with this technique(see here) and I loved how easy and non messy gradient technique it is. Moreover it requires no tool as the gradient effect is created using the nail polish brush itself.

 I first saw this technique on Chalkboard Nails and saw the tutorial on Rebecca Likes Nails. I did single color gradient previously and this time i decided to go with two colors. I loved how this manicure turned out. Have a look yourself: (go till the end of the post to check out video tutorial).
syrup gradient nail art

Friday, 6 February 2015

New Stamping Plates Review- B. Loves Plates Geometry is Perfect and Mind Blown


Today, I am here with a review of new brand(at least to me) of stamping plates. B. Loves Plates is a poland based stamping plates seller. They have released their plates back in october 2014.  The seller,  Anna is also a nail blogger and creating stamping plates was her dream(check out her blog). She send me two out of three plates to review along with a scraper, two beautiful pins and a lovely letter(which i hvnt clicked). 
B. Loves Plates stamping plate review 

Monday, 2 February 2015

Nail That Technique Challenge: Week 1- Blobbicure


So February started, can't believe a month of new year already ended and I am nowhere near to even start my new year's resolution :d . Anyway, good thing is that "Nail That Technique" challenge started and this is first week.  Technique to nail this week is "Blobbicure". 

I thought this will be a pretty easy technique and i will nail it in first attempt and i couldnt be more wrong. Though the technique is easy to do but require some attempts to perfect the results. Here is my mani, continue reading to know more about the technique: