Wednesday, 29 April 2015

OPI Hawaii Collection (Partial) Swatches and NOTD


Writing here after a long time. I have been little busy and little lazy these days catching up with family and getting all pampering.  I have these swatches with me from start of this month. 

Opi released Hawaii collection for spring 2015.  This collection has total twelve shades of various finishes which ranges from pastels, shimmers, frost and cremes.  Today, i have swatches of four creme shades from this collection with me. 
opi spring 2015 hawaii collection

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Neon Rainbow Water-Marble

Hello from India,
I have reached India and I am loving it here. I was lucky enough to grab a set of Pipe Dream Polish (PDP), A Night In Vegas Creme (ANIVC) during last restock.  If you have PDP ANIVC collection than its not possible that you don’t try water marbling. I did this manicure few days back using ANIVC collection.
pipe dream polish a night in vegas creme collection

Friday, 3 April 2015

Easter Manicure

Happy Easter. Just in few hours, I will be catching my flight back home. I loved living in Melbourne and I will miss living here especially around the year fireworks, little café and my home with which I am madly in love. Though it is very tough to leave from here but I am happy to meet my family after such a long time.
Coming towards today’s post, I was totally in love with this nail art, if I didn’t have to do gel nails then I wouldn’t remove this Easter manicure for sure and I think you would agree with me. Have a look:
easter nail art

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Nail That Technique Challenge : March "Week 5"- Pond Manicure


This week’s Nail That Technique challenge theme is Pond Manicure. I haven’t posted last two nail arts I did for Nail That Technique challenge but I will try to post them later in month. Pond manicure basically is a technique which shows the depth of the manicure. You layer stamping or freehand designs between layers of jelly polish.  I havn’t done a tutorial for it but I will do one when I settle down a bit. Here is my manicure:
pond nail art