Friday, 31 July 2015

DIY: How To Make Colorful Stamping Polish


Today's post is not an usual post. You all know that I dont have my whole nail collection with me currently and that is why i have just black and white stamping polish and if you are stamping addict like me then you must agree that only black and white stamping polishes aren't enough. 

I thought why not franken some stamping polish with these two basic shades but my tattoo ink set is also packed with my nail stuff, so that wasn't an option either(see the tutorial for that  here in Beaching Nail's tutorial). 

So, i thought to try something which is available easily. First see the result here:
how to make stamping polish
Base- black nail polish from local store
diy stamping polishes- mint green, blue, lavender, green and yellow
stamping plate- uber chic beauty uc2-02 

Continue reading to know how to make stamping polish. 

Monday, 27 July 2015



Today i have very bright and cheerful manicure to share. I did this manicure on last friday and still wearing it because its simply very happy manicure.

This manicure featuring sunflower image from uberchic beauty stamping plate. continue reading for more details.
uberchic beauty uc1-02 stamping plate

Saturday, 25 July 2015

Something Blue!


I recently got UberChic Beauty stamping plates. I ordered three set and in love with them. Since these are the only plates with me right now(rest of my stuff is packed), you are gonna see lots of uberchic nail arts. 

For this manicure i did double process stamping which mean picking up two images one after another to create a patterned image.
colorbar blue topaz

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Watermarble with OPI Color Paints!!


I am very excited to share today's manicure. I am a big fan of watermarbling technique. It is little bit tricky but if you figure out what polishes and what kinda water works out for you than it is so much fun to do. I have done watermarble many times but i never tried it in hot and humid weather of India.

Before this attempt i tried couple of time with filtered water but it never worked out, finally i tried normal tap water and it worked. Here is my nail art

Thursday, 16 July 2015

El Corazon "Nail Party Active Bio-Gel" collection Swatches(Partial)


This post is also one of the long pending post. I have these swatches since march end but I couldn't post them due to move. El Corazon released Nail Party collection back in February 2015. This collection has ten shimmer shades. Today i have swatches of five of them to share here. Continue reading to know more.