Wednesday, 28 March 2012

W7 Earthquake Silver- a Silver Crackle NOTD

when i was leaving UK, the only thing i was sad about was tht i will not be able to shop everything online in India, bt boy i cm here nd saw many eCommerce sites have started nd providing very good services. then a day came when i started reading beauty blogs( i felt so guilt .. y didnt i start it while i was there).. nd my life changed :D :D :D

nyway I recently got W7 Earthquake Silver which is a silver crackle from  Brandsfetish after reading about Anamika's haul from there . I wasnt sure about its quality bt it was so cheap there just INR 299/, so i thought to give it a try. Today i got it and i am quit impressed by its performance. See the pic:

Here's how it looks:
i was so surprised that nothing was mentioned about the color or the shade no..then i turn the bottle and saw a sticker on the cap , in which the shade name was mentioned
now i  was sure tht there is sm disaster when i opened it and applied it on my nail, all doubts clear.. the bristles are super soft and gentle and gives so nice strokes on the nails.
I really like this polish more than china glaze crackles. I actually applied this on the matte nails from matte about you post. Here is the pic with only base coats:
and after applying silver crackle:
i like the texture of cracks. 

Finally , what i like about this crackle:
1. cheaper thn other crackles
2.nice texture comes with a nice brush
3. gives an instant nail art effect.

What i don't' like:
the main problem with this is its availability. i was charged INR 50/- each for 2 different products came in same parcel and thts i found very weird. 

have u guyz tried silver crackle ??  and do you also got something from brandsfetish and charged for shipping separately for each product. plz share ur views... :)


Monday, 26 March 2012

Bootie Babe Nail Polish Giveaway by Circular Insanity

hello ladies,
another awesome giveaway alert.. Emm of Circular Insanity along with Bootie Babe Cosmetics are hosting a Nail Polish Giveaway! Yeeyyyyy!!! you can find the reviews of the polishes here.

I just love all the four shades.. click here to enter..


Essie's Matte About You matte finisher

i am so excited while writing this post.. matte polishes are all over the web these dyaz.. and i really wanted to try some too so i started my search for matte colors and brands and i come across this fabulous matte finisher Matte About You by Essie. i took no time and ordered this one from 365gorgeous as it got such a nice reviews as compared to Orly's matte finisher. It costs me INR 546/-  but absolutely worth it. :) Here's the first look:
Application is very simple. Apply base coat thn 2 or 3 coats of desired polish finally apply matte about you in single thin coat. I first tried it with my creme based polishes:
(2 coats of each, and no top coat)
and after applying matte finisher, it looked like:
then wanted to try black, brown and grey also so
 (2 coats of each, no top coat)
i don't have a  cream grey so used this one 
after such fab results i went crazy :D :D and thought of trying some glitters also
(2 coats of polish, i coat of colored glitter polish, no top coat)
it dries very quickly.. i tried and tested this on my nails prior to this post to know chipping time and the life of matte effect. Typically it didnt chip for 4 days after that i took polish off with remover and at the beginning of third day the polish started look satin again( bt nt completely shiny ,a little shiny). for me I think that's ok because i generally lost interest in wht's-on-my-nail after a day itself. :D :D... and if the polish isn't getting chipped then u won't mind turning matte to satin.

It's a little pricey bt u won't mind if u cn get any matte color with this plus i really like wht it done to glitters.

hereby, I officially declare that i am in love with-->

hope u guyz like it .. hv u tried this or Orly's matte finisher.. plz share ur views :)


Friday, 23 March 2012

Nailart: Guess the inspiration..

Happy gudi padwa to all of you.. just a quick post.. guess the inspiration of this nail art 
ok, now i guess u guess it :D :D.... this is inspired by crazy polishes's wallpaper.. i was jut thinking about the the design to do on my nails and was staring at the blog and twink twink.. pretty simple ha.. i used my nail art pens to create it. and collection 2000 french white as base.some more pics:

these are looking very fab in person .. i left my thumb undone just like tht .. i am trying to shape nails square so before trying tht on all nails i thot i shld experiment first on thumb nail.

Hope u all like it.


Thursday, 22 March 2012

Gala of London Shade N11: Swatches and NOTD

i recently did a mini haul from UrbanTouch and come to know this new nail enamel brand Gala of London.
They don't have wide range bt i did like shade no 11 which is a baby pink kind of can buy it from here. These are very cheap in price just Rs. 45/- for 7ml. Here are the swatches:
i like this color though  i think i have similar shade in other brand as well...but thts ok as this one is quite cheap... i stamped this with m44 and m3 using konad stamping polish.. 
base: Gala of London N11
stamping polish: Konad special polish in blue, yellow and pastel orange
stamping plate: m44(french lines), m3(flowers)
Finally, what i like about it:
1. lovely shade.
2. comes with a smooth brush.
3. doesn't chip easily.
4. extremely cheap.

what i don't like:
the only con i see is limited range actually they have only 3 colors in the range right now.  

have you also tried these polishes and do u like it ??


Wednesday, 21 March 2012

konad m44 nail stamping and NOTD

wht's hot??.. i wont get my blisscovered march box :(... more over i am waiting for 5 of my international parcels to be delivered to me over than one and a half months now .. wht shld i do ??? never mind .. coming back to the  subject: i recently did a polish haul from urban touch and i got my first nude polish ie Streetwear's Barerly Nude and absolutely in love with this shade. I stamped my nails with Konad  m44 ip. Enjoy the pics:

base:Streetwear Barely Nude
stamping polish: konad special polish in pearl blue, pearl pink,yellow, shimmer green
stamping plate:m44

do comment and let me know if u like it or not??


Friday, 16 March 2012

Konad Addict's pure ice spring giveaway

hello beauties,
another giveaway post..Maria of Konad Addict has conducted a new spring giveaway. rules are very simple to enter..

click here to enter this springy giveaway.


Thursday, 15 March 2012

3 Revlon polishes swatches and NOTD

Hello Gals,
as promised i am up with swatches and NOTD of  Revlon trio enamel from my latest haul. i really like this
combo pack and all the three colors are fabulous. so without going into much chatter , here are the swatches:

 Revlon Enamel 389 Lush Lime: its really shimmery polish and have very small glitter particles in it... hope u can see that. It's very sheer.. i have applied 3 coats of it.
(these pics are taken in sunlight)
 Revlon Enamel 428 Midnight Affair: my first reaction after applying it was OMG.. its really very gorgeous shade and have very very smooth finish.
(without flash))
(with flash)
 Revlon Enamel 420 Strawberry Electric: this is shimmery pink color..i am very bad in defying color.. so plz see the swatch
(in natural light)
(with flash)
i liked all the three colors and specially midnight affairs, while lush lime is perfect for wedding parties strawberry electric can be wear at tea party or in a get together. 

Hope this post helped u.


Tuesday, 13 March 2012

latest haul from MedPlus Beauty!!!!

Hola Ladies,
This is my latest haul from It took a week to get delivered and that's a very irritating thing when u know that u can get online orders deliveries within 2-3 working days but at the same time I was quite happy to see the products. Here are the pics:
got these purederm packs after Anamika's reviews and most luved Face's long wear eye pencil in shade Forest Green

Revlon Nail Enamels in 389 Lush Lime, 420 Strawberry Electric, 428 Midnight Affair
and this one i got by mistake, i actually wanted to order keratinology heat protection spray bt somehow wrongly ordered this treatment
 and finally 

NOTDs coming soon, plz tell me what else u want to be reviewed.


Monday, 12 March 2012

Versatile Blogger Award :)

Hello Beauties,
this holi was very special to me as it was my first holi with my in-laws and my blog got its first award.. yayyy...CrazyPolishes received The Versatile Blogger award from a very dear friend Suma/Samyukta.Check her blog here.

Here are the rules:
Thank the person who sends you the award and add a link to their blog in your post
Write 7 random things about yourself
Give the award to 10-15 other bloggers you love and tell them about it!
Post the Versatile Blogger Award Picture to your blog!

So, first of all Thank You Suma :)) and ur blog are very dear to me and my inspiration for writing Crazypolishes... i luv ur way of doing eye makeups and ur passion for it <3 <3.. Thank youuuu for my first award :)

7 Random Things About Me
1. I am a software engineer and currently not working anywhere.
2. My mom is a beautician beside that i recently found my interest in make-ups and she is actually surprised abt this.
3. I had very tiny and unhealthy nails till my SSC.
4. I often have dream of loosing my teeth and get frightened though i have healthy teeth.
5. I am fun loving person and love to travel and explore new places.
6. I hardly cook nything before marriage and after marriage i use to call my mom 3 times a day before cooking meals to ask recipes (right from adding how much tsp of oil to garnishing with coriander leaves) for almost 6-8 months.
7. In my childhood days i wanna get married to a guy who owns a chocolate factory..hehehe....

10 Bloggers I Give this Award To
1. Vertu from
2. Shalini from
3. Rakhshanda from
4. Emm from
5. Siri from
6. Kanika from
7. Tanveer from
8. Lancy from
9. Kejal from
10. maryaa from


Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Holi inspred nails tutorial

Hello beauties,
as promised to two lovely ladies Suma and Zee, am here with tutorial of my Holi inspired nail art. Actually this come out neater then the last one hope u like it.
Here are the polishes i used:
first as obvious i applied my base coat and then 2 coats of white polish and let it dry completely. After that using a dotting tool(of medium dots size) i draw pink dots randomly on each nail.
after that i draw green, yellow, orange and blue dots all over the nail


finally i applied a glitter coat and a top coat

After doing this tute i find out oh this is neater then the previous one so if u like that one more than simple mess the dots a more :D

Hope u like this..
