Friday, 7 September 2018

Review: Beauty Bigbang Holographic Chameleon Powders


I am posting a review after such a long time. For today's post i am reviewing Beauty Bigbang's holographic chameleon powders. These powders has a linear holographic as well as chameleon shift. The collection has total 12 colors and i have 4 of them. 
To be honest the colors i chose to review look very similar but the shift is bit different in all of them.
The first one i have is 1A. This has a green, blue shift.

Shade 2A has a bronze, purple, khaki green-ish shift. though in some angles the khakhi green looks more green.(like in the pic in collage)

9A is a mysterious shade. On the website it looks like green purple shift but to me it looked blue purple with slight hint of green in between.

10A is another hard one to click. On the website it look magenta, purple bronze but to me it has green-ish hues with purple and magenta.

 You can buy these powder from Beauty Bigbang store. The quantity of each powder is 0.2gm and costs $5.99(currently on sale for $2.99). 

You can use "CRAE10" to get 10% off your order. 

Hope this post helps you a bit to choose the shade you want to buy.

Have a great day. 
