Wednesday 13 August 2014

Emily De Molly Stamping Plate 04 + Splodging Nail art


I joined Simples challenge to brush up my skills. You can check the details here. This is week 9 for the challenge and the theme is "Splodging". I recently bought Emily de Molly plates and I am just fascinated with EDM 04 plate.It has peacock and peacock feather images. 

So, I decided to do a splodging base with peacock colors i.e. purple, blue, green, golden. Here is my final manicure. 
Emily De Molly nail art

The splodging base for the mani is: (i added a coat of Fun lacquer holo topcoat, however this picture is taken when i applied it to my thumb only).
splodging nail art technique
f.u.n lacquer diamond holo topcoat

product used: 
polishes: kleancolor metallic purple, orly sweet peacock, opi jade is the new black, moyou sp golden. 
a layer of F.U.N diamong holo topcoat
seche vite
stamping plate: EDM 04
stamping polish: Moyou sp black.

emily de molly 04 stamping plate
peacock nailart
peacock nail art
peacock feather nail art
Yes, lots of pictures because i couldn't decide which one to share which not. 

Do you like this manicure??
