Saturday, 9 January 2016

Born Pretty Store Rectangular Stamp Holder with Stamper Head Refill Review


Happy New Year 2016. This is my first post of 2016 and I hope i will be back to my normal blogging schedule soon. 

Today, I am reviewing rectangular stamper holder and 5pc stamper head refills from Born Pretty Store. Please continue reading to know about this product. 
Born Pretty Store Rectangular Stamper set
This set has one rectangular holder and 5 colorful squishy stamper heads. You can put whichever stamper head you like and go on with your nail art stamping. The stamper heads comes in five colors: translucent, lime green, baby pink, blue and red. 

bps stamper holder plus 5pc stamper head review

each stamper head as obvious is rectangular in shape with following dimensions:

Length: 2.5cms
Width: 1.5cms
Height: 1cms (red stamper head is little smaller than this height)

The stamper heads are squishy soft. I wont say that these are as squishy as marshmallow stamper heads but yes quite comparable. 

Before You Use Them

These stampers are shiny with some sticky residue on. I tried stamping with them as it is but they didnt work well, only a few parts of image picked up. Then I buffed the stamper head with my glass file till all the shine goes off. After that I rolled it over a lint roller to remove the residue. I stamped again and image picked up great. 

So yes these stamper heads need buffing but only a little till the shine goes off. 

Stamping with them

For the stamping test I used BPS- L016 stamping plate and konad black and white stamping polishes. 

I tried to use different kind of images so i can check how these stampers work with them. The stamper heads works great with intricate as well as bold images as you can see below:

Overall I like these stampers. If you are looking for rectangular squishy stampers then these are a great choice without a doubt. These are great if you want to make stamping decals. Only thing to keep in mind is to do gentle buffing because i damaged one stamper head while buffing, though its tini tiny.  

You can buy this stamper set from Born Pretty Store website. This set costs $8.51 but currently its on sale for $3.99. You can get 10% off by using code "CPL91". 

Have a great day.


**product sent for review.