Friday, 30 November 2012

Review: ENAS- Easy Nail Art Stamp, A new way to Stamp

Hello Lovelies, 

Nail Stamping is fun to do but some time its not a joyride with all the headache of cleaning scrapper stamper every time, problem is picking up images etc etc.  So,today I am here with a new stamping style. 

Easy Nail Art Stamp is a new way of stamping your nails.  The set looks like: 
The set comes with a rubber stamper which has engraved design on it, 2 stamping polishes and a wooden popsicle stick.
The instruction to use the kit are mentioned on the back of the packaging.

How to use this set: 
this set is really very easy to use. The stamp has two sides, one is  metal base with corresponding design printed and other is rubber side which actually has engraved design to stamp(shown tight in below pic)

Instructions are simple:
1. apply your base color and let it dry completely. After that apply stamping polish over the image, you want to stamp with( marked as 1 in above picture).
2. Lightly dab the stamper 5-6  time on a piece of paper to get rid of excess polish on the stamper ( marked as 2 in above picture).  After that you can clean any unwanted polish remaining on the sides on stamp using the wooden stick.
3.Now press the stamp on your nail for few seconds. The stamp will transfer on your nail(marked as 3). 
4. Finally apply top coat.

Her's the final look:
 Above pics are with no top. Love the effect.

With top coat. 

This pink ENAS stamping  polish is perfect. I did try this over black base and stamped very well. You can create multicolor images in a single go using ENAS kit. I will write a post on that later.

Overall, I am happy with the kit and its uses. Perfect for beginners and for those who doesnt like normal stamping mess. These polishes and stampers are also available separately.

i have tried all the images on this stamper and they turned out great, however i am not sure of full nail stamps.

ENAS kit can be buy from here
You can also contact ENAS on Facebook

Please do share what you think about this or your experience. 


(**this product was sent to me for review, but i am honest with my views about it.)


  1. I've been interested in how this works, seems super cool and easy! Looks a lot less messy than a stamper and scraper! Great review :]

    1. Thnx sweet, indeed it is. I love how quickly it stamps and how we can create multicolor images with it unlike regular stamping.

  2. You are very good at using Enas stamps! I will be looking forward to seeing more manicures ;-)

    1. i wanna do some multicolor stamping with it .. hopefully soon :)

  3. but the stamp only works using their nail polish right?

    visit my blog ^^

  4. hmmmm.. does look interesting..but is it better than konad?

    1. small images like this one works better thn konad( ease of use and multicolor application) but i am not sure about full nail images...

  5. interesting dimpal..thanks for sharing

  6. Hi Dimpal :)
    Thanks for posting this. I love all things nail art and am looking forward to investing in this system. It seems to me looking at the 1st and 2nd photos, they are 3 dimensional. I love it!
    Have a great rest of the weekend! Happy polishing!

    1. Hi Pinky,
      I am so glad tht u like it.. yeah they look quite 3D without top coat but i am afraid if we dont apply top coat thn the design may b chipped off/smudged.. bt however the kit is pretty easy to use :)

  7. Very stylish and convenient. You don't have to go to salons for the nail art if you have this product. Think I'll get me one of those. So excited to have it. :)
