Monday, 23 September 2013

33 Days Challenge: Day 1- Dots


I am doing a new challenge starting today.  Its 33 Day challenge and unlike daily challenge its a 11 weeks challenge. There will be three posts per week Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Here are the themes of this challenge:

so, today is day 1 and the theme is Dots. As simple as it seems but i was so confused what to do for this because I didn't want to go with simple dots on nails so i decided to do a design made using dots. So here is my manicure for day one.

 products used:
base polish: Ciate Cream Soda
dots: blue and black acrylic paints
dotting tool and seche vite
Ciate Cream Soda
simple nail art design
dot nail art

I hope you like this design. 

I went to Olympia beauty yesterday and I am not sure but i am thinking to go there today also. It was very nice experience, i met fellow bloggers there, shopped and attended a seminar also. i will be posting about it tomorrow. 

Please check what other bloggers did for today's challenge. 
