Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Darling Diva Polish: Holiday 2012 Collection Swatches

Hello Chics, 
How you all doing. Holidays are almost here and  today I am gonna show you 3 of Darling Diva Polish's Holiday 2012 collection.

Beautiful, isn't it.. This is gonna be a picture heavy post :)

Carrie created this collection from being inspired by the movie "A Christmas Story". I am one of those people who haven't seen it yet but I am gonna see it tonight. This collection has 12 polishes. Some of the names are Electric Sex, Frah-zhee-lay, Sheer Poetry, A Christmas Story, Fa Ra Ra Ra Ra etc. :)

First of all Electric Sex. It is the one you really cant take your eyes off. Inspired by the Leg Lamp, this polish is a black jelly polish which have holographic gold hex and bars, small gold square glitters and tiny gold glitters.

I wore this polish on its own because i thought its too gorgeous to layered on. 3 decent coats are enough for full coverage. 
Next one is Triple Dog Dare.Now this is another beauty, it is a light blue/grey jelly with  pink-golden duo-chrome base and lots of large hex blue glitters, medium purple and aqua blue glitters. 

  In the above pictures i layered it over Barry m silver foil. i just now realized that i haven't took any picture to show duo-chrome base :(

This one above is over Barry M lilac foil. This polish simply reminds me of peacock feather :)
Glitters are easy to apply in the above pics i used 2 coats of Triple Dog Dare. 

And. the last one is Frah-Zhee-Lay. I got to see this movie, the names making me so curious :D
This polish is clear base glitter bomb with loads n loads of  tiny red and green glitters, small aqua green glitters, medium green glitters, large holographic hex and bar silver glitters.

In the above pics i layered it on a sheer green base. I used horizontal dab dab brush stroke for layering this polish and as you can see it made my nails look full of glitters in a single coat.However if you dont like so much glitters than you can layerthem normally like we apply our nail polish.

With black base, and this is the one i am currently wearing.This looks so Christmas-y to me. 

In the below picture i layered 2 coats of both of the polishes over white base.
 Now hopefully on this base you can see the beauty of both polishes.
 Triple Dog Dare showing its blue-ish jelly base.

Darling Diva Polishes costs between $8 -$12 for 15ml bottle and
ships international with very reasonable shipping rates.
You can buy these polishes on her Etsy Store and can contact her on Facebook Page