Friday, 21 December 2012

Winter Holiday Challenge: Day 6- Reindeer and Sleigh

Happy Holidays!!! Holidays are finally started. Tomorrow i will  be going on the tour for which i waited 2 months,  Warner Bros Studio Tour on the sets of Harry Potter and i am quite excited as I am a big fan of kid Harry Potter. I will share pics on FB.

Anyways coming to today's post. Today's theme is Reindeer and Sleigh. I initially thought to free hand them but then I saw all those Reindeer Images on my stamping plates asking me to stamp with them, so  I decide to stamp my nails.
 Base: LA Colors Wired
Stamping Polish: Barry M Silver Foil
Stamping Plate: HD 05 and 07.
Wired is gorgeous shade and even looking so beautiful on my toe nails.
These plates stamps like magic very smooth and clean application.
Let me know what you think of this mani. 


  1. Beautyfull mani! So cute the reindeers :)

  2. thnk u.. :) did u post comment from mobile or iPad, cause i cannot see other comments now..

  3. very pretty reindeers..loved your mani..:)

  4. So beautiful! <3 the colours and the reindeer are perfect!

  5. I loved this nail, i dind´t know about this plates, i´m gona look for it.
    I´m following you at GFC :D

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