Thursday, 24 January 2013

piCture pOlish Collaboration Shades: Mallard and Focus Swatch/Review

Hello Chics.  
Today, I am very excited to share my first Picture Polish shades with you. Picture Polish is an Australian brand well known in polish lovers for their shades and amazing quality.

They recently launched 4 new collaboration shades. I was so drooling over Mallard and Focus since i saw their swatches on Jen(The PolishAholic) and Sheila's(Pointless Cafe) blog. Good thing is a new UK online store Sally Magpie recently started selling piCture pOlish (along with many other brands which were not available here yet) in UK and EU. So when she listed these shades i placed an order and got the polishes in a day.

 Coming to the shade, "birds of a feather polish together!" Mallard  is a collaboration shade with Jen from The PolishAholic.  Inspiration of shade as name say is feathers of Mallard duck, Its a beautiful deep green base with green gold shimmers and green, orange flakes. This polish looks stunning when light hits,because of green-gold shimmer but even in low light conditions green-orange flakes make it look beautiful.

Mallard is a 2 coat opaque polish with excellent formula. Personally i like this polish in light when it shows emerald green color which is color of 2013. 

I thought to swatch this with a matte coat too but then i was so happy taking pics that forgot to apply matte coat. Read Jen's post about mallard her inspiration behind the shade. Following pics show 2 coats of Mallard with top coat. First 2 pics shown Mallard in low light and the next to in good light conditions.

"clarity & light never lose your" Focus by Sheila from Pointless Cafe. Focus  is a red-violet polish with loads of micro flakes. Read  Sheila's post on Focus to know more about color inspiration and more swatches.

Focus's formula is also excellent and require 2 coats. The micro flakes looks vibrant pink and purple. In following pics i applied 2 coats of focus and a top coat. 

Both of the shades are limited addition and available through piCture pOlish website and their network members.

So, which one you like. I love and adore both the shades. Please share your views. 


** both polishes bought by me :) **