Wednesday, 6 February 2013

FFF 28 Days Challenge- Day 6 Fan Brush/Glitter Bomb

Today theme is a challenging. There are not many ways that a fan brush can be used, one can make grass, ,do some shading but i have done that already and wanted to try something new (which i cldnt ). 

For today, i did two tries .. one using multiple colors  like red, yellow, blue, green in a chevron style with fan brush and to accommodate second option of theme, layering some chunky glitter on it.  Like this:
I used Vivid Lacquer Autumn Harvest as glitter coat.

In my second attempt, i used conventional fan brush method. I brushed some blue acrylic over a base of Barry M blackberry gelly. 

I again top it with Vivid Lacquer Autumn Harvest.

Not very proud of this mani but i hope you will like it.

Also, there is one more new thing.. I am a part of Best Of British group and we use to do weekly round up post but from today we are doing in-links once a week instead of round-up. So, do check what other brit girls doing.
Also check what other girls created for today's mani  in the links below post. 

stay tuned!!


  1. so pretty colors <3 how did you do the blue nail art?

    visit my blog ^^

  2. i really like your second fan brush with the blue. It looks lovely with the glitter over but was really nice on its own aswell :)

    1. thnk u hun .. yeah i tried to use just decent amount of glitter so that it doesnt shadow the base .. :)

  3. I really like the blue one with the glitter too!

  4. Great mani! I have giveaway in my blog. Enter if you like it:

  5. Loving the technique and I need to try this soon!

    1. thnk u sweetie... yeah try it out .. great for quick manis :)))
