Friday, 8 February 2013

FFF 28 Days Challenge- Day 8 Color Blocking/Black & White

Hello Chics,  
How you all are doing ..I  a very very happy today as Crazy Polishes turned 1 year old today. When i started Crazy Polishes i didnot know how far I will go and i am so  glad and thankful to you wonderful people for continuously inspiring me and supporting me in all goods and bads. Tto celebrate the anniversary one huge giveaway is coming upsoon. It was actually supposed to start today but i a still expecting delivery of few prizes and the giveaway will be up as soon as i get them. So stay tuned here or on FB page.

As for today's theme. It'scolor block or black&white day. I never officially did color block so i chose that to do. Here's my manicure for today:
i used Barry m satsuma gelly, blackberry gelly  and spring green. 

So tht's a short and sweet for  today.. let me know how you like it.  Also check what other girls did today.
