Friday, 14 November 2014

Fall Bokeh Nail Art and Instagram Gieaway!!


It feels so weird to have spring/summer in November-December if you have spent last thirty fall/winter in these months. Well that's a big change if you shift from northen hemisphere to southern. Since fall manicures are everywhere on the internet, so i thought I should do one too, so what if we are having spring here :) and also it will make me try my untried barry m autumn/fall gelly collection.(picture here). 

Here is my fall manicure: 
fall nail art
I created a fall bokeh and then stamped some leaves on it. Here is my base for this nail art.
bokeh nail art
It was my first time and its not perfect but i absolutely love the effect on ring finger. 
barry m gelly autumn fall collection
products used: 
polishes: barry m gelly chilli, mustard, cardamom, paprika
white acrylic color to create bokeh
stamping plate: moyou mother nature 07 
stamping polish: barry m gelly cocoa. 

Its not a news that some barry m gelly polishes stamps well too and you can clearly see that in this nail art. 
moyou mother nature 07 stamping plate

I also mattified the nail art to make it more fall appropriate but i couldn't decide which one i like more, glossy or matte; decide yourself: 
autumn nail art
fall leaves nail art
So, which one you like more?? 

Also, I am having an Instagram Giveaway where one winner will get a complete Moyou Stamping Set of his/her choice consisting of 5 stamping plates, 3 nail varnish and round or rectangular stamper/scraper. Its opened internationally and will end on 12 December.

  To enter in it you have to make sure that you follow me and moyou on Instagram and repost the picture in instagram with hashtag #craypolishesmoyougiveaway

It's a great opportunity so dont miss out. 

Have a great weekend. 
