Monday, 30 April 2012

Tutorial:Pink Frenchtip Nailart for short nails

quick post.. shalini requested to do a tute of pink french tip dotted nails.. Shalini i did this tute on nail wheel .. hope u dont mind .. although the width of the tip is bigger as the wheel nails are very bigger is size so u can adjust the width as u like...
things which ll b needed: 
- base pink color polish: maybelline colorama sexy
- green and white nail art pen (if u dont have u can even use regular green and white polishes)
- french tip guides (optional)
- dotting tool and base and top coats

First apply a base coat or french pink base coat to ur nail then make 2 coats of pink french tip using either guide or freehand( i did it free hand)
 when it get dry completely apply a green nail art pen on the border of french tip if u dnt hav a green nail art pen thn u can also apply regular green polish using a painting brush
after tht using a dotting tool or a white nail art pen make small dots on pink part .. 
finally apply a top coat nd ur done.

hope this helps..
